Monday, September 02, 2019

Venice 2019: The Wrap-Up and the Rankings

There are still a few days left in this year's Venice Film Festival -- and some high-profile movies yet to be unveiled from the likes of Roy Andersson, Shannon Murphy and Ciro Guerra -- but I'm off to Toronto, where the next wave of films awaits. My overall impression of my first Venice? It's a really lovely place to watch movies, with a very different vibe than Cannes. Also? I very much enjoyed navigating a festival on a bike. It made the whole experience more active and invigorating, simply because of the action of pedaling from place to place. I hope to do it all again next year.

Below is a ranking of everything I saw at this year's festival, with links leading to individual reviews. I went back and forth between my Nos. 1 and 2. But No. 16 was painfully obvious. Also, it's a bummer to go to a festival where the Olivier Assayas film is subpar.

16. American Skin
15. Rare Beasts
14. Wasp Network
13. Martin Eden
12. Pelican Blood
11. The Laundromat
10. Giants Being Lonely
9. The King
8. 5 Is the Perfect Number
7. Rialto
6. An Officer and a Spy
5. The Perfect Candidate
4. The Kingmaker
3. Ad Astra
2. Joker
1. Marriage Story