Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Cannes 2017: 'The Florida Project' Review

Here's a little glimpse into how my life works at a film festival. On Monday morning, I went to see The Florida Project, the latest from Tangerine filmmaker Sean Baker. I then headed straight home to file my review, staying off social media so I could just focus on my piece. Right after, I headed off to see the new Hong Sang-soo movie, The Day After. Right after that, I headed to a party. Near the end of the event, someone came up to me and said, "So, you got to review the film of the festival, I hear." I had no idea what they were talking about. But, apparently, yes, The Florida Project has received stellar reviews. I'd been so swamped that I'd had no idea how others felt about it.

Anyway, here's mine, up at Screen International.