Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Brian Lowry on 'Sit Down, Shut Up'

My tastes tend to line up with Variety's Brian Lowry's quite often. So his take-down of Sit Down, Shut Up is a real bummer:
"Sit Down, Shut Up” is an odd hybrid, and not just because the series places animated characters against photographed backdrops. Mixing social satire with a relentless array of kinky sex jokes, the early episodes limbo beneath the bar of bad taste set by Seth MacFarlane’s animated fare, feeling more suited -- mostly for ill -- to Comedy Central or Adult Swim’s latenight menu than primetime on Fox. Despite a pedigree that includes “Arrested Development” creator Mitch Hurwitz and many of that program’s stars, “Sit Down” seldom rises above sniggering double entendre. Seemingly preoccupied with impressing teenage boys, the show should possess scant appeal outside that demo.
For the record, put me down as someone who's not clamoring for the much-discussed Arrested Development movie. But I'd rather have that than what it sounds like we're going to be getting on Sunday with this.